Your first session is FREE!
Neuroplasticity Brain Therapy scans help reboot your brain so you can feel better — and Heal Better.
Every cell in your body is networked together, sending and receiving information to coordinate the millions of functions it processes every day.
A Neuroplasticity Brain Therapy session employs an innovative, non-invasive bio-scan device. This technology is an FDA-approved Class II Biomedical Device that uses galvanic skin response, which is similar to an EKG.
Read on below for how it all works to help you Heal Better.
Sessions can be conducted in-office or REMOTELY!
Our bio-scan can detect & correct imbalances in the body such as:
Chronic pain
Musculoskeletal dysfunction
Spinal nerves & vertebra
Organs, glands, and other systems
Eye & skin issues
Vitamins & minerals
Bacteria, viruses, and parasites
Allergens & molds
Heavy metals & chemicals
And so much more

Neuroplasticity Brain Therapy employs a proprietary bio-scanner to measure galvanic skin response. Electrical signals from your brain indicate what areas of your body need recalibrating to bring about homeostasis.
It's therapy for your whole body — accessed via your brain.
The scanner sends a biofeedback signal back to your brain and into specialized take-home drops containing nano-particles of colloidal silver and mineral water which hold the biofeedback signal. This allows the brain to relay the correct signals to those areas of weakness or imbalance in the body, reinforcing your healing progress between sessions.
No supplements or lifestyle changes are needed. Neuroplasticity Brain Therapy is the all-in-one solution that retrains your brain to access and release optimal therapeutic resources for your body to Heal Better!

What should I expect during my session?
Sessions can be conducted in-office or REMOTELY!
During your first session, your practitioner will explain to you how the device works to measure neurotransmitter responses through your skin. Similar to how an EKG measures electrical signals from your heart through your skin, our bio-scan technology measures electrical neurotransmitter signals through your skin from your brain and entire body.
You’ll place your hand on the bio-scan device and the system will send a series of biofeedback signals to your brain to determine where strengths and weaknesses are in your body.
Next, based on the scan results, your practitioner will select areas with the greatest imbalances, and correct those signals to facilitate healing in that area. The healing signals will be sent back to your body via the hand device. This generally does not produce a sensation, but more sensitive clients can report a slight tingling.
Your practitioner will also send the customized healing electrical signals to specialized water drops which you’ll then take home with you. You’ll take the drops every day in the morning and evening to reinforce the therapeutic balancing signals in between sessions. That’s it! It’s easy & effective!

Holistic Neuroplasticity Therapy
Yes! Sessions can be conducted in-office or remotely/virtually.
The bio-scanner offers a non-invasive way to ‘look inside’ your body. It does this by scanning hundreds of items using biomarkers and digital signatures associated with virtual objects.
Some of the things analyzed include:
• Brain & nervous system
• Meridians
• Endocrine system & hormones
• Detoxification mechanisms
• Immune System
• Muscles
• Teeth & Bones
• Joints
• Chemical productsStimuli that affect bodily functions, such as pathogens, electromagnetic fields, allergens, lifestyle, metals, and foods are also able to be evaluated.
It's so easy. Getting a bio-scan is a quick and easy process that doesn't cause any discomfort. All you have to do is hold your hand on the hand cradle for the duration of the scan. It can take up to 25 minutes, and you probably won't be aware that anything is happening.
Once you know a system is weak or deficient, you can start taking steps to help it heal naturally and completely — thereby potentially dramatically improving your health.
The bio-scan informs us about the exact type of supplements, homeopathic remedies, foods, herbs, exercise, and essential oils will be most beneficial to us for our healing.
Scans can assist us in making more well-informed and highly individualized wellness choices and decisions.
Responses can be sorted and displayed in a variety of ways to make comparisons and decisions during and after a scan.
Just like a flight simulator allows a pilot to see how they may respond to various situations, a bio-scan provides information as to how the body may respond to various 'situations' or stimuli.
If you still don't believe this machine can have a positive effect on your health and well-being, check out these four reasons why we think everyone should get a bio-scan.
Regardless of the physical or mental state, the scanner offers comprehensive alternatives that resolve the situation in the long term to achieve the right physical balance.
A bio-scan is a wonderful technology that helps you understand your body better, providing an insight-driven plan to keep your body operating at peak potential. Plus, you have the peace of mind that every action you take is informed by your unique biological make-up. No two scans and recommendations are ever alike so you don’t just receive a “one plan that works for everyone”, you receive a plan optimized for you.
Given the unique biological characteristics of individuals and the reliance on precise information about your body, most efforts to achieve general well-being are expensive. This is because you are forced to adopt a trial and error method. With bio-scan technology, you get accurate, real-time information about how well your body is functioning.
Current technology allows you to track your progress towards greater health and well-being. The bio-scanner offers a complete overview of your body, taking all aspects into account.
When the parts and pieces of a system work in harmony with one another, we call this coherence. The greater a system’s coherence, usually the greater its efficiency. Measuring this signal, or the lack thereof, provides an understanding of what may increase or decrease efficiency.
Each bio-scan begins by measuring the body’s responses to 35 neutral digital signals. The median response to this neutral stimulus becomes the range, or the parameter of the body’s response to energetic stimulus in general. Once the range is established, the software introduces specific Virtual Items and compares the response to the parameters in the range.
When the body’s energetic coherence increases after a virtual Item is introduced, the item is given a positive score. If the body’s energetic coherence decreases, the item is given a negative score.
The virtual item is a unique digital code representing an actual item—a food, product, service, organ, body system, etc. Just like a flight simulator mimics flying in real life, these items represent ‘situations’ the body may respond to—aversively, neutrally, or positively.
Just like a doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to a patient’s breathing, the bio-scanner ‘listens’ to the body’s subtle galvanic skin response using the hand cradle. Through this connection, vital biological information is communicated.
Your body’s energetic state is constantly changing. For this reason, we measure baseline coherence before each new stimulus is introduced.
DISCLAIMER: Bio-scans are not intended to dispense medical advice nor to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.

First Session is FREE
First Session is FREE
First Session is FREE
First Session is FREE 〰️ First Session is FREE 〰️ First Session is FREE 〰️
Sessions are offered in-office or REMOTELY!
Brain Therapy
Call (520) 551-3497 for current pricing or reach out via our Contact page HERE.